Kategorie: english

Data from space for sustainability

What is to learn from the world’s ...

Next step in organizational development:...

new roles in leadership: the ambitious m...

Human Centered Design – success co...

The Anthropocene – we live in a ne...

‚Warm money‘ – changin...

Shift of trust – from institution ...

China and Africa – the next manufa...

Architecture that senses and responds

Quantum computing will be key for the ta...

How to turn an IDEA into a successful PR...
Ethically Oriented AI – The Nexus of Big Data and Deep Data
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Juli 7, 2023 | Artificial Intelligence, english, Global Change in Economy, Innovation, Social Innovation | 0
Nipun Mehta is the founder of ServiceSpace Reading Time: 7 minutes Since the launch of ChatGPT,...
WeiterlesenData from space for sustainability
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Okt. 13, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence, english, Global Change in Economy, Innovation, Space, sustainability | 0
Theresa Condor, EVP & GM Space Services and Earth Intelligence, Spire Global, San Francisco...
WeiterlesenWhat is to learn from the world’s largest network of generosity?
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Juni 15, 2021 | english, Global Change in Economy, Neue Arbeitswelt, Neue Führungsansätze, Social Innovation | 0
Nipun Mehtais the founder of ServiceSpace,an incubator of projects that support a gift culture go...
WeiterlesenNext step in organizational development: customer centric to the outside – employee centric to the inside
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Mai 27, 2019 | english, Neue Arbeitswelt, Neue Führungsansätze | 0
Dr. Kristine Dery, Ph.D., EMBA (Mel), BA. (Auck), Research Scientist at MIT Sloan School of...
Weiterlesennew roles in leadership: the ambitious muse
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Jan. 31, 2019 | english | 0
‚What´s up‘ 2012, Wolfgang Abfalter Reading Time: 4 minutes Change is ‚old...
WeiterlesenHuman Centered Design – success concept on the rise
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Dez. 4, 2018 | english | 0
Reading Time: 6 minutes A few years ago Human Centered Design was unheard of, meanwhile many...
WeiterlesenThe Anthropocene – we live in a new age
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Sep. 24, 2018 | english, Erneuerbare Energie, Global Change in Economy, Science | 0
Prof. Dr. Eva Horn, Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Vienna Reading...
Weiterlesen‚Warm money‘ – changing the economy by mindfully directing funds
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | März 18, 2018 | english, Global Change in Economy, Innovation, Neue Arbeitswelt, Neue Führungsansätze, Social Innovation | 0
Dr. Kai Romhardt Founder of ‚Network for Mindful Business‘, Author, coach, management...
WeiterlesenShift of trust – from institution to individual and machine
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Dez. 17, 2017 | english, Innovation, Social Innovation | 0
Rachel Botsman, author of ‘Who can you trust?’, Oxford lecturer Reading Time: 5 minutes Caused by...
WeiterlesenChina and Africa – the next manufacturing powerhouse
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | Nov. 27, 2017 | english, Global Change in Economy | 0
Irene Yuan Sun, author of ’The Next Factory of the World’ Reading Time: 8 minutes ‘This place is...
WeiterlesenArchitecture that senses and responds
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | März 18, 2017 | Artificial Intelligence, english, Innovation, IoT | 0
Carlo Ratti, Director SENSEable City Laboratory, MIT-Italy Program (MISTI)/ CEO of...
WeiterlesenQuantum computing will be key for the take off of IoT
von Julia Weinzettl - www.taskfarm.com | März 14, 2017 | english, Erneuerbare Energie, Global Change in Economy, IoT, Quantum Computing | 0
Scott Amyx, IoT Strategist, CEO at Amyx+ and IBM IoT Futurist Reading Time: 6 minutes Within the...